What Is The SOREMP & What Happens To The Body In It?

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What Is The SOREMP & What Happens To The Body In It?

What Is The SOREMP & What Happens To The Body In It?

What SOREMP means and how it means for sleepers and their bed partners. here you can find all information about SOREMP, and what happens to your body through it.

What are the Sleep Basics?

Sleep is an important part of our lives as It improves physical and mental health. Sleep occurs in stages, thorough REM sleep and non-REM sleep. Sleep quality is affected by many factors, including food and room temperature. If you believe you may have a sleep problem, you should visit a healthcare provider. Many cures are available for sleep disorders.

What occurs during sleep?

You may believe that nothing is happening when you sleep. But during sleep, parts of your brain are quite active. And enough sleep or lack of it influences your physical and mental health. Your body has a chance to rest and restore energy during sleeping. A good night’s sleep can help you overcome stress, solve problems or recover from illness. Lack of sleep can lead to many health concerns, affecting how you think and feel.

During the night, you pass through two types of sleep: non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Your brain and body act variously during these different phases.

What are the stages of sleep?

When you sleep, your brain runs through natural cycles of activity. The four total stages of sleep, are divided into two phases:

1- Non-REM sleep occurs first and includes three stages. The last two stages of non-REM sleep are when you're deep asleep. It's considered hard to wake up from this stage of sleep.

2-REM sleep happens for an hour to an hour and a half after falling asleep. REM sleep is when you resort to having vivid dreams.

During sleeping, your body cycles pass through non-REM and SOREMP. You usually begin the sleep cycle with stage 1 of non-REM sleep, then You pass through the other stages of non-REM sleep, followed by a short period of REM sleep. Then the cycle starts again at stage 1.

A full sleep cycle may last from 90 to 110 minutes. Your first SOREMP is short. As the night goes on, you’ll have longer SOREMP and less deep sleep.

What is SOREMP?

When you enter SOREMP, brain activity increases again, meaning sleep is not as deep. The activity levels look like when you’re awake. That’s why SOREMP is the stage where you’ll have intense dreams.

Take into consideration that major muscles that you normally control (such as arms and legs) can’t move. In effect, they temporarily become paralyzed.

Usually, SOREMP arrives about an hour and a half after you go to sleep. The first REM period lasts about 10 minutes, then each REM stage that follows gets longer and longer.

The amount of SOREMP you experience changes as you age.

What is The percentage of SOREMP?

The percentage of SOREMP

Is highest during infancy and early childhood.Declines during adolescence and young adulthood.Declines even more as you get 

What happens to the body in SOREMP?

Besides increment of the brain activity and muscle relaxation, your body passes through a series of changes during SOREMP. These changes include, Faster breathing, increased heart rate and blood pressure, Penile erections, Rapid eye movement.

What Is SOREMP Disorder?

SOREMP disorder is a condition characterized by sudden body movements and vocalizations when a person experiences vivid dreams during REM sleep2. It is considered a specific type of parasomnia, which describes abnormal behaviors during sleep.

For individuals with SOREMP disorder, normal muscle paralysis does not occur, enabling the person to physically act out their dreams. SOREMP disorder can clear as small muscle twitches and quiet sleep talking too loud shouting, punching, kicking, grabbing their bed partner, and jumping out of bed. The dreams associated with SOREMP disorder are often intense and frightening. Individuals perhaps dream about being chased or attacked, and they can unknowingly bring the dream into real life.

How Common Is SOREMP Disorder?

It is considered rare, affecting between 0.5 to 1 percent of adults. SOREMP disorder is more common in men and adults over age 50. Although rare, this disorder can also happen in children in higher-risk groups.

What are SOREMP Disorder Symptoms?

SOREMP Disorder Symptoms can include:

1- Minor movements of the limbs.

2- More pronounced body movements such as punching, flailing, kicking, sitting up in bed, or jumping out of bed.

3- Vocalizations including talking, yelling, or screaming.

People don't have awareness of these behaviors during episodes, and in fact, many people only discover that they have SOREMP disorder when they are told about their symptoms by a bed partner or roommate.

After you fall asleep, REM sleep usually begins about 90 minutes and REM sleep stages get longer in the second half of the night. For that reason, episodes of SOREMP disorder frequently arise later in a sleep period.

During the night, episodes can occur once or multiple times. People may have them a few times per year or every night. REM sleep behavior disorder can start suddenly or gradually, but symptoms worsen over time.

What are Complications of SOREMP Disorder?

individuals with  SOREMP disorder can put themselves and others that they share their bed with — at risk of physical injury. Depending on their bedroom environment and the nature of the dream, these injuries can be life-threatening.

How Is SOREMP Disorder Diagnosed?

a person should  meet four criteria to receive a diagnosis of SOREMP disorder:

1- You have continuously experienced episodes of acting out your dreams with vocalizations or arm and leg movements.

 2-Episodes occur during rapid eye movement sleep.

3-Episodes include sleep without atonia, as confirmed by polysomnography.

4-The episodes are not related to something else, like another sleep or mental health disorder, a side effect of medication, or substance abuse.

What are the Causes of SOREMP Disorder?

Scientists till now do not know what causes SOREMP  disorder. Animal studies suggest that it has to do with certain neural pathways in the brain. In an individual without RBD, certain neural pathways cause inhibition of muscle activity during REM sleep, and disruption in these neural pathways causes REM sleep without atonia.

SOREMP disorder can also be brought on by antidepressants10, including tricyclic antidepressants and serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors.

What are the Risk Factors of SOREMP disorder?

Risk factors for REM sleep disorder include:

1- Being male.

2- Being over 50 years old.

3- Having another neurological disorder, like Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body dementia, or multiple system atrophy.

4- Having narcolepsy.

5- Using some medications or antidepressants.

6- Use or withdraw from drugs or alcohol.

 What are SOREMP Disorder Treatments?

The treatment can involve a combination of :

1- Avoiding Triggers

2- Medications

3- Injury Prevention Techniques