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Stanisław Lem

Stanisław Lem

Stanislaw Hermann Lim is a Polish physician, writer and philosopher who wrote about science fiction, philosophy and literature and appears in his writings a sense of humor and a sarcastic personality, you may find many novels and articles, his books have been translated from 50 languages and more than 45 million copies of books have been sold around the world.[1]  

Birth and upbringing

He was born on September 12, 1921, to a Jewish family, his father worked as a doctor. He initially went to Jewish lessons but later converted to atheism.[2]

During the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland in 1939, he was not allowed to study because of his bourgeois origin, and in 1941 he was accepted to study medicine. [3]

His career outside of writing

He worked as a car mechanic and sometimes worked as a welder and sometimes stole ammunition from German warehouses to be smuggled to the Polish resistance. In 1945, his family settled in Krakow, where he completed his medical studies at Jagiellonian University and deliberately did not attend the final exam in college so as not to graduate and work as a doctor in the army, and after obtaining his degree He worked in a hospital in the Conservative Department, then left the medical profession and devoted himself to writing. [4]

literary life

His literary career began in 1946 where he wrote some publications on poetry and wrote his first science fiction novel called The Man from Mars (Człowiek z Marsa), and in the years 1948 to 1950, he worked as a scholar at Jagiellonian University, during which time he published many short stories and poems. and others and so on, including Tygodnik Powszechny. In 1951, he published his first book, Astronauts, and in 1953 he married medical student Barbara Linak.

From 1956 to 1968, Lim authored seventeen books whose writings over the next three decades or so were divided between science fiction and essays on science and culture as Poland gained a lot of freedom of speech.[5]

In 1957 he wrote his first philosophical book, Dialogues, and also wrote a collection of science fiction stories called The Star Diaries (Dzienniki gwiazdowe), in which he collected short stories about one of his most famous characters, Egon Tecchi, and in 1959 he published three books, The Investigation ( ledztwo) and the short story anthology Invasion of the Aldebaran.[5]

In 1976, Lim published a novel: Maska (The Mask) and also published Katar (subtitled by the Chance series). [6]

In 1980, he published another set of works as Prowokacja. In the following 1981 he published another novel by Tichy, Wizja lokalna and Golem XIV. In 1984 Lem Pokój na Ziemi and later in 1986 Fiasco published his last science fiction novel.[7]

In the early 1980s, Lim supported the Polish dissident movement, began publishing articles in Kaltura and was based in Paris.

Awards and Honors

Lim received the Nagroda Literacka miasta Krakowa Prize in 1957

- 1973 Foreign Ministry Prize for the dissemination of Polish culture abroad (nagroda Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych za popularyzację polskiej kultury za grani)

- Received the State Prize of the first level in literature (Nagroda Państwowa I stopnia w dziedzinie Literatury) in 1976

-  Grand Prize for Police Literature for his novel Catar in 1979

-  Soviet astronomer Nikolai Stepanovich Chernych discovered the minor planet 3836 LEM in 1979.

He received an honorary doctorate from the Wroclaw University of Technology in 1981

- Received the Austrian State Prize for European Literature in 1985 [8]

Received the Austrian Franz Kafka Prize for Literature in 1991

- Became a member of the Polish Academy of Learning in 1994

- He was awarded the Order of the White Eagle in 1996

- He was made an honorary citizen of the city of Krakow in 1997

- Honorary Doctorate: Opole University, Lviv University, Jagiellonian University, 1998

- Honorary Doctorate from Bielefeld University in 2003 [7]

- Medal of Merit for Culture - Gloria Artes (on the list of the first winners of the new medal) in 2005 [9]

- 2007 - A street in Krakow is named in his honor

- 2009 - A street in Wieliczka is named after him.

- 2011 - Google published an interactive logo inspired by The Cyberiad on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his first published book (The Astronauts). [10]

- 2019 - Solaris and the Star Planet in Birx, following the novel by Solaris and the Tales of the Birx Pilot. [11]

- In December 2020, the Polish parliament declared 2021 the year of Stanislaw Lem. [12]


"Sci-fi king Stanisław Lem is still considered master of his genre". Retrieved 14 September 2019

Jerzy Jarzȩbski (1986). Zufall und Ordnung: zum Werk Stanlisław Lems (in German). Suhrkamp. p. 1. ISBN 978-3-518-37790-1.

Stanisław Lem (January 1984). "Chance and Order". The New Yorker 59 / 30. pp. 88–98.

Tuzow-Lubański, "Spotkanie ze Stanisławem Lemem", Przegląd Polski, 9 May 1996, pp. 1, 15. (fragment) Quote: "W 1948 r. zrobiłem absolutorium z medycyny. I wtedy okazało się, że jak się kończy medycynę i dostaje dyplom, to trzeba iść do wojska jako lekarz – i nie na rok czy dwa, ale na zawsze"

"One hundred years ago today, Stanisław Lem was born. He would go on to become one of the world's greatest sci-fi writers". Retrieved 14 September 2021.

Tomasz FIAŁKOWSKI. "Stanisław Lem czyli życie spełnione" (in Polish). solaris.lem.pl.

Jerzy Jarzębski. Lem, Stanisław (in Polish). 'PWN. Retrieved 30 October 2014. 

"Stanisław Lem: Jestem jak Robinson Crusoe", a Polish translation of the interview with Lem by Franz Rottensteiner, Fantastyka, 9/48, 1986 (originally in Wochenpresse, no. 14, April 1986),

S.A, Wirtualna Polska Media (5 October 2005). "Medal Gloria Artis dla twórców i działaczy kultury". wiadomosci.wp.pl.

"Stanisław Lem doodle". Retrieved 13 September 2013.

"Sci-fi becoming real: star and planet with names from Lem's books". Poland In. 17 December 2019.

"Sejm wybrał patronów roku 2021". www.sejm.gov.pl.