Sand and its importance in Saudi Arabia and methods of its preservation

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

عادةً ما يتم الرد في غضون خمس دقائق

الإصدار الثالث عشر: 6 ديسمبر 2021
من مجلة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

Sand and its importance in Saudi Arabia and methods of its preservation



Sand is a valuable natural resource in Saudi Arabia it commonly used to form beaches and places for recreation. It’s used to make windowpanes, cell phone screens, and sunglasses. Concrete and asphalt both come from sand. And the industrial uses of sand-to fill holes, make molds, and create traction-are seemingly endless. It’s the second-most exploited resource after water, and the world is running. The sand in Saudi Arabia exposed to sever decrease in its amounts due to the using of the san in the construction of buildings. Our study concluded that, the sand in Saudi Arabia constituted a great wealth value and must be take a good preservation on it, the study cleared that, the most important methods for preservation of the sand includes, running out of sand, using of waste sand, using stabilized soils, cement was used as a stabilizing agent and utilization of dune sands as a construction material

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