Transformations du service public en prisme des évolutions récentes

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

عادةً ما يتم الرد في غضون خمس دقائق

الإصدار الحادي والعشرون: 06 مارس 2024
من مجلة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

Transformations du service public en prisme des évolutions récentes


To complete what has already been started as fundamental characterizing features, born of this long history, determined by equal access to public service, continuity and adaptability or mutability, public service has not ceased to undergo transformations on a spatial, territorial, central sectoral scale, of legal forms, resulting from changes of diverse origin linked to technological developments, economic transformations ,aggravated even more by the crisis situation of the State. This has led to an uneven distribution of public services at spatial level, with the rise of contractualization, the emergence of certain services such as universal public service, and the abolition of others at territorial level.

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