The use of Tobin's Q model in predicting the performance and profitability of companies listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange .. An analytical study during the period 2011-2018

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

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الإصدار الثامن: 6 يونيو 2020
من مجلة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

The use of Tobin's Q model in predicting the performance and profitability of companies listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange .. An analytical study during the period 2011-2018


Abstract- This research aims to find out the impact of traditional performance metrics expressed (TA (book value of total assets of an enterprise), market value per share, number of shares traded, MVE represented (share price (at the end of 31/12 of each year) * number of common shares subscribed (Value of short-term liabilities, minus short-term assets, plus their book value of long-term liabilities) in evaluating the performance and profitability of companies listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange with the modern scale expressed by (Approximate Q) during the period 2011-2018.To achieve the research objective, the data of companies listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange (excluding Al Baraka Bank, Al Sham Bank, Syria International Islamic Bank) were referred to due to the lack of required data during the period from 2011 to 2018. In predicting the performance and profitability of companies listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange. SPSS software was used to conduct statistical tests, which included descriptive statistics, simple linear regression analysis, and multiple regression. Statistical results showed a positive effect for both the number of shares traded as well as for MVE and DEBT in Tobin Q. While the book value of the total assets of the firm was negative in Tobin Q

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