The Motherhood .. An Analytical Study

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

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الإصدار السادس: 6 أكتوبر 2020
من مجلة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

The Motherhood .. An Analytical Study

Shomokh Salman Saleh


Motherhood is one of the most difficult jobs there is. It marks a new chapter in every woman's story. It gives you a new strength in yourself, something you didn't know was there until you had children. The motherhood is “the most precious job in the world. We can define or described motherhood as “challenging but incredibly rewarding” or “the most demanding but also the best thing in the world.” Motherhood is the living embodiment of unconditional love, which is rarely found in other relationships. She is the one who loves you unconditionally from birth, the one who puts her kids before herself and the one who you can always count on above everyone else. Motherhood, as defined here, is the cultural process of locating women's identities in their capacity to nurture infants and children. Making the decision of becoming a mother can be made through a aware and reflexive planning process or through acceptance within a case of an unplanned or unwanted gestation; given that becoming a mother is one of the principal transitions in a woman’s life, which brings along the responsibility of caring for and maintaining life. The mother is the female mother of the child. Mothers are women who live or play a role with some relationship to their children, and may or may not have their biological offspring. A mother is someone who nurtures ,someone who cares for the deepest places of your heart. Women nearly always tied their satisfaction with their lives as mothers to how their children are doing. One of the most expressive roles that a mother plays is the role of nurturer. . When a mother nurtures her children well, love and goodness are awakened in the children’s hearts. Because of our mothers’ love, we learn to love, as well and we feel God’s love more profoundly. The mother can contribute more to the felicity of the home than can her husband. She has dubbed as her the “sun” of the family. In many families the responsibility of family health falls mainly to the mother. There is a complex relationship between family health, care, and mothering practices that has not been fully investigated

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