مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

عادةً ما يتم الرد في غضون خمس دقائق

الإصدار السادس: 28 فبراير 2022
من المجلة السعودية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية

The Effects of gamification in teaching English vocabulary on students’ motivations and achievement for High School Arab students in Jerusalem

Nader Neiroukh, Omar Karram, & Mohammad Hmoud


The study aims to investigate the effects of gamification on helping Arab students improve their English vocabulary. One of the biggest challenges that face Arab learners in the English language is the ability to create an inventory of words that will help learners smoothly communicate using the target language. Traditionally, creating such an active inventory is a very lengthy and complex process that still suffers some problems. Vocabulary learning includes many things other than the literal meaning of the word in isolation of its context; this implies that words should be learned in a context that resembles real-life situations as much as possible. Such a context cannot be achieved through traditional classrooms or traditional methods of teaching. Students started paying less attention to their traditional teachers and became much more interested in their electronic gadgets. Therefore, a revolution, parallel with the technological one, on the strategies for teaching vocabulary became inevitable as a solution for teaching. This paper suggests that applying gamification techniques enhances motivation for learning in general and attracts students' attention and helps build a satisfying well-learned inventory of essential vocabulary that helps students confidently communicate using the target language, which eventually results in better achievement for the students

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