Techno-Economic Feasibility Assessment of Solar PV Water Pumping System: Case Study in AlKharj-Saudi Arabia

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

عادةً ما يتم الرد في غضون خمس دقائق

الإصدار التاسع عشر: 06 يونيو 2023
من مجلة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

Techno-Economic Feasibility Assessment of Solar PV Water Pumping System: Case Study in AlKharj-Saudi Arabia

Saad H. Alqahtani Abdulrahman M. Alamoud & Abdulaziz A. Alkuhayli

This paper presents an inclusive investigation of the utilization of a large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) water pumping system in KSA. The system that has been applied is irrigating a vast farm with 1400 m3/day water con-sumption as an average. This study is providing the techno-economic of the water pumping system. The system size is 107.74 kW with a 170 m deep well, and 7210 palm trees with water storage 2800 m3. The technical analy-sis of the solar PV pumping system performance has carried out by utilizing PVsyst simulation software. As for the economic feasibility analysis, cal-culations have been applied for different economic indicators such as; Pre-sent Worth (PW), salvage value, total components expenses, Life Cycle Cost (LCC), Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), Levelized Cost of Water (LCOW), and Simple Payback Time (SPBT), to determine the system feasi-bility, including Balance of the System (BOS) and maintaining a solar PV system during its life period. The economic analysis has been applied on three scenarios. First, without exporting the excess energy at all. Second, with exporting the excess energy with considering the current agriculture electricity tariff in Saudi Arabia (7 Halalah/kWh). Third, with an assumed higher exporting electricity tariff as 20 Halalah/kWh.

More details will be added soon.

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