Nutrition as a Preventative Measure Against Radiation-Related Health Risks

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

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الإصدار الرابع والعشرون: 06 ديسمبر 2024
من مجلة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

Nutrition as a Preventative Measure Against Radiation-Related Health Risks

Khulud Ahmed Khudran Alhanouf Khaled Bafail Amna Mohammed Alamri & Maali saud alahmadi

The rise in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats has brought significant challenges to public health, particularly concerning radiation-related diseases. Radiation exposure, whether from environmental contamination or nuclear events, can lead to numerous adverse health effects, including acute radiation syndrome, cancer, and genetic mutations. This paper explores the role of nutrition as a preventative measure against radiation-induced health risks, focusing on nutrients with antioxidant, DNA repair, and anti-inflammatory properties. The paper reviews the mechanisms by which these nutrients mitigate cellular and molecular damage caused by ionizing radiation, providing a foundation for potential dietary guidelines that can enhance resilience to radiation exposure. Traditional approaches, like the Chinese principle of "medicine and food homology," are discussed in the context of modern radiation protection, highlighting the integration of natural compounds to protect against radiation injuries.

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