Frequent use of young people for social media .. Addiction or entertainment? .. A critical analysis study

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

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الإصدار الرابع: 6 فبراير 2019
من مجلة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

Frequent use of young people for social media .. Addiction or entertainment? .. A critical analysis study

Samir Mohamed Elewa


Today we are witnessing an open revolution in the Internet in all fields. Social networking sites also play an important and essential role in this revolution. Social media is changed the world. It's points out websites and applications that are designed to allow people to share content fast, quickly and efficiently, and in real-time. It's essentially is a category of online media where people are , sharing, networking, bookmarking, talking and participating online. Also it's facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the networks and communities. By using social media we can connect and share information with anyone on Earth, or with many people at the same time. There are a lot of people using social media for a long time during the day, we know that is benefits for this use, but there is some Entities or institutions regards that Excessive use of social media for young people is Addiction not entertainment. To know the fact of this predication we will know the meaning of addiction. We can define it as the condition of being abnormally dependent on some habit. Some addictions also include an inability to stop practicing in activities, such as gambling, eating, or working. In these conditions, a person has a behavioral addiction. There are many people using social networking sites all time during day,but don't know if this is addiction or not. Some institutions proceed a survey to examine whether young people's social networking use influences in time which they spent with their family . According to the studies, total time using the Internet was related to lake in family time but not related to family communication

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