End-of-Life Care and the Principle of Autonomy: An Islamic Perspective

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

عادةً ما يتم الرد في غضون خمس دقائق

الإصدار التاسع والعشرون: 25 نوفمبر 2020
من المجلة العالمية للعلوم الشرعية والقانونية

End-of-Life Care and the Principle of Autonomy: An Islamic Perspective

Rehab Al-abadela Abu-hajiar

Abstract- The concept of end-of-life care poses a challenge to physicians and medical experts when coming face to face with such prospects, taking into account the cultural and religious dimensions of each patient. This research shall examine the concept of autonomy in the case of end-of-life care from an Islamic perspective, tracing the limitation of the right of the patient to self-determination. Islam does not marginalize or nullify the value of personal autonomy. Conversely, there are Islamic traditions that promote the implantation of natural self-government within societies and urge humans to be responsible for their own decisions and actions within limitation protect the life. The research is going to refer to written books, articles and reports from international organizations on the topic of research in both Arabic and English languages. Having a deeper understanding of the concepts of life and death from the Islamic perspective would add a crucial value and significance to contemporary issues. Moreover, it would facilitate a much-needed path in dealing with Muslim patients living in diverse and global societies. Research findings are going to be recommended to the scholars’ community as well as the community of medical practitioners, and health service providers

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