Discuss About: Can Artificial Intelligence Create Another Artificial Intelligence More Intelligent Than All Artificial Intelligences?

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

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الإصدار الرابع: 6 فبراير 2019
من مجلة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

Discuss About: Can Artificial Intelligence Create Another Artificial Intelligence More Intelligent Than All Artificial Intelligences?

Abd El-Rahman Ahmed Moustafa


Will the machine become so powerful that it begins to think to a point where it is more capable than the humans? Notice, I said capable, not powerful. No doubt computers are more powerful at giving us answers faster than human brainpower, but are they more capable? so do artificial intelligence can create another artificial intelligence more intelligent than all artificial intelligences? You may have heard that Google Brain was able to create a software that creates an AI by itself: Researchers from Google Brain were able to design software that created an AI system to take a test that measures how well software can process language. The software did better on the test than software designed by humans .But we have Little confused about Can AI create another AI? Can it create a more intelligent one? AI is able to create other AI but not smarter than itself because when creates one it’s creates one that isn’t narrowed to do one thing and not learning. This would mean the new AI would have access to more I information and develop more complex codes the other and for now that is stillness impossible due to the fact that AI is still narrowed down

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