Awareness Group for Parents of Children with Disability – Availability and Benefits in Saudi Arabia

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

عادةً ما يتم الرد في غضون خمس دقائق

الإصدار العاشر: 6 فبراير 2021
من مجلة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

Awareness Group for Parents of Children with Disability – Availability and Benefits in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Dalia Alkhouli


Parents or guardians of children with disabilities need to be provided with psycho-social support that will enable them to better parent their children, an advantage that can be accessed by them joining an awareness group. This study examined the availability and benefits of an awareness group for parents of children who have disabilities. The study adopted a mixed-method approach where qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in the collection and analysis of data. The qualitative data was collected using interviews while the quantitative data was collected using surveys. A sample size of 106 participants was selected using purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods. The sample size was exclusively composed of parents with children with disabilities. The findings of the study indicated that whereas there is a need for having awareness groups for parents with children with disabilities, such groups are non-exists in Saudi Arabia at the moment. The participants acknowledged that they are facing challenges when it comes to coping with their children’s mental and physical limitations and would benefit a lot by sharing their experiences with others who are handling the same difficulties. The participants also expressed the desire to attend such group forums if they were formed so that they could share ideas on how to help their children with disabilities. The study, therefore, recommended that the Saudi Arabia government should create social support group across the country targeting parents with children with disabilities to equip them with knowledge and skills on how best they can raise their children. The study also recommended parent with children with disability to take initiate and form awareness groups for themselves. Furthermore, the study recommended further research on the barriers that could inhibit the formation of social support groups for parents with children with disabilities and how those particular challenges could be overcome

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