Analysis of Dirac Operators with interactions Supported on the boundaries of rough domains

مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

عادةً ما يتم الرد في غضون خمس دقائق

الإصدار الحادي والعشرون: 06 مارس 2024
من مجلة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

Analysis of Dirac Operators with interactions Supported on the boundaries of rough domains

Dr. Mariam ALmahdi Mohammed Mulla

We consider the Dirac operator H=αD+F(x) on the Hilbert space L^2 (R^2,C^2 ) Where it turns into the phenomenon of contraction, where F(x) is a 2×2 Hermitian matrix valued function which decays suitable for infinity. We studied Dirac operators in terms of semi-classical differential operators, where the semi-classical phenomenon is given by the mass inverse. We show that the zero resonance is absent for H, extending recent results of Dirac operators are semi-classical sparse differential operators with an order that leads to zero, and we show their main semi-classical forms. Then, using some regularity properties of the operator, we show that the. We will study the Dirac factor in relation to aspects that depend on additional mass outside the normal field. Then the additional mass is very large. Using calculus and the basic properties of Dirac operators, we construct a property that the oscillating working solvent shares with the oscillating working solvent. We will show that the oscillatory operator converges in a standard solvent manner toward the operator and gives convergence and a sharp estimate of the rate of convergence.

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