مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط للنشر العلمي

عادةً ما يتم الرد في غضون خمس دقائق

الإصدار الثاني عشر: 30 مارس 2024
من المجلة السعودية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية

A Study of Lexical Changes in Contemporary English Daily Usage

Woroud Tariq Jabir Al- Abdali

Lexical transformation is a constant process in progressive communities and is one of the most obvious examples of language evolution. This phenomenon has long fascinated linguists. Lexical shifts have a significant impact on a language's lexicon, or vocabulary, which is constantly changing. The English language has experienced several phases of development throughout history. Linguistic changes can be classified as internal or external, depending on whether they result from alterations to the language itself or from shifts in the social roles that the language serves.Previous studies have primarily focused on lexical changes in dictionaries or over historical periods, with minimal consideration given to lexical changes concerning the informal Modern English language or current slang used in everyday life.The study aims to examine lexical changes in contemporary informal English used in everyday speech.The conclusions of the study indicate that modern English has undergone significant changes, particularly in terms of its vocabulary. Affixes that were previously used in Old and Middle English have been replaced in Modern English. Different suffixes are now used to indicate past tense, past participle, and irregular verb forms. Additionally, three types of blending techniques, namely reduplication, overlap, and clipping, are frequently used in contemporary English discourse as common forms of expression.

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